Release time:2021-11-29 Browse:175


Song Jialing, graduated from Hunan Normal University with a bachelor’s degree in 2010, graduated from Lanzhou University with a master’s degree in 2013, and graduated from the South China Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences with a doctorate in 2016. In 2021, she was awarded the China and Germany Postdoctoral Exchange Program to join the research group of Jin Tengchuan for post-doctoral research, mainly engaged in the study of structural and functional analysis of proteins involved in Celiac Disease.

Representative papers

(1). J. L. Song, Y. Yuan, H. B. Tan, J. W. Wu, R. M. Huang, H. Li, Z. F. Xu, N. Na, S. X. Qiu. Euryachins A and B, a new type of diterpenoids from Eurya chinensis with potent NO production inhibitory activity. RSC Adv.6(89), 2016:85958-85961. |

(2). J. L. Song, Y. Yuan, H. B. Tan, R. M. Huang, H. X. Liu, Z. F. Xu, S. X. Qiu. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial coumarins from the stems of Eurya chinensis. J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res.19(3), 2017:222-228. |

(3). J. L. Song, B. L. Li, Y. Yuan, L. H. Nie, J. Niu, D.Chiu, Z. F. Xu, J. W. Wu, S. X. Qiu.Yangonindimers A-C, three new kavalactone dimers from Piper methysticum (kava), Nat. Prod. Res.31(21), 2017:2459-2466. |

(4). J. L. Song, Y. Yuan, L. H. Nie, B. L. Li, X. B. Qin, Y. Li, J. W Wu, S. X. Qiu. Two new ent-kaurane diterpenes from the stems of Eurya chinensis, J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res. 20(10), 2018:1-7 |

(5). J. L. Song, Y. Yuan, L. H. Nie, B. L. Li, X. B. Qin, Y. Li, J. W. Wu, S. X. Qiu. A new ent-kaurane diterpene derivative from the stems of Eurya chinensis R.Br.Nat. Prod. Res. 32(2), 2018:182-188. |

(6) . J. L. Song, R. Wang, Y. P. Shi, H.Y. Qi. Iridoids from the flowers of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis and their chemotaxonomic significance.Biochem. Syst. Ecol.56, 2014: 267-270.