Ph.D. student Shasha Deng and master student Yuluo Huang's Graduation Defense Successfully Passed | 邓莎莎博士和黄语洛硕士毕业答辩顺利通过
Release time:2024-05-28 Browse:10




答辩人邓莎莎、黄语洛分别对其博士论文《SARS-CoV-2变异株逃避CD8+ T细胞免疫的机制探究》、硕士论文《转化生长诱导β因子蛋白突变体的生化分析及致病机理研究》进行了个人陈述。在答辩过程中,两位答辩人梳理了研究结果,并由答辩主席和答辩委员对答辩人进行提问,考察其对课题的理解和知识水平。随后,答辩主席指出两位答辩人的论文中存在的不足和改进之处,答辩人对其虚心接受并表示将会认真修改。


Ph.D. student Shasha Deng and master student Yuluo Huang's 

Graduation Defense Successfully Passed

On the morning of May 18, 2024, the graduation defense of Ms. Shasha Deng and Ms. Yuluo Huang was held as scheduled in Room K104 of the Biology Building at the University of Science and Technology of China.

The professors who participated in this defense included: Professor Honghua Ge (Anhui University, Defense Chairman), Professor Maikun Teng (University of Science and Technology of China, Defense Committee Member), Professor Bofeng Li (University of Science and Technology of China, Defense Committee Member), Professor Jian Wang (University of Science and Technology of China, Defense Committee Member), and Professor Xiaolong Li (University of Science and Technology of China, Defense Committee Member).

The defendees, Shasha Deng and Yuluo Huang, made personal statements regarding their doctoral thesis "Exploration of the Mechanism by Which SARS-CoV-2 Variants Escape CD8+ T Cell Immunity" and master's thesis "Biochemical Analysis and Pathogenic Mechanism Research of Transforming Growth Factor Beta Protein Mutants", respectively. During the defense process, both defendees reviewed their research results, after which the defense chairman and committee members posed questions to the defendees to assess their understanding of the subject and their level of knowledge. Subsequently, the defense chairman pointed out the deficiencies and areas for improvement in the theses of both defendees, who humbly accepted and expressed their intention to make serious revisions.

Finally, after a vote by the defense committee, defense Chairman Professor Honghua Ge announced that Ph.D. candidate Shasha Deng and master candidate Yuluo Huang had successfully passed their defense and recommended the conferment of their doctoral and master's degrees, respectively. Congratulations to both of them.

Shasha Deng

Shasha Deng with professors

Shasha Deng with Prof. Jin

Yuluo Huang with professors

Yuluo Huang with Prof. Jin